Project: 23-SP-031 Juncos - Termination Valenciano WTP First Stage & Improvements to Ceiba Sur RWI

Project Description

The project consists of the culmination of the construction works to the Valenciano Water Treatment Plant and the improvements to the Ceiba Sur Raw Water Intake and Pump Station. All in accordance with the PRASA Construction Drawings and Specifications.
This project will benefit approximately 48,000 families in the municipality of Juncos.  The project will be financed by local funds from the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) and/or grant made or insured by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program under the provisions of Public Law 104-182-EPA, Safe Drinking Water Act. Acting through the Department of Health of Puerto Rico.
CONTACT: For additional information regarding the meeting place, please contact Eng. Eliud Vega at (787) 693-7777 or at
